For some obscure reason the world is by all accounts excessively fixated on VIPs and individuals need to know every little thing about them and their tattoos are the same. Numerous individuals are interested to comprehend what some of their most loved superstars have tattoos of and what some of them may mean.
Well I thought I would begin with Penelope Cruz. I know she is a sort of irregular superstar yet I read this meeting with her discussing her tattoo. Alternately if I say the absence of talking in regards to her tattoo. Penelope is by all accounts extremely protected about her tattoo and won’t uncover the significance or essentialness behind it. Which in all genuineness she has each privilege to feel that way. Be that as it may it is somewhat odd in light of the fact that a great many people like to impart the story behind their tats. In any case on the off chance that she needs to keep hers private than all force to her.
Here is the means by which the meeting went,
Is it true that truly you have 883 tattooed on your lower leg?
It is genuine, yet I never say why.
Is it true that it is a region code?
No, and its not a Harley-Davidson. It’s not the distinctive things that have been said.
So everybody can have a hypothesis?
I don’t think anybody cares. It’s my own tattoo.
Also its your own lower leg.
I figure we will never know the significance behind the 883 on ther lower leg. In any case until then I figure we all will simply need to continue speculating or attempting to concoct what it may mean. However it doesn’t appear as though Penelope is going to affirm it regardless of the possibility that we do figure the proper thing.
100’s of Penelope Cruz Tattoo Design Ideas Picture Gallery
Originally posted 2015-03-10 12:50:50.