The youthful 21 year old on-screen character is likely most well known for her numerous free movies parts and in addition her past association with Goth god himself, Marylin Manson. Evan has showed up in a few motion pictures in her short vocation. Evan got to be all the more well know after she was assigned for a Golden Globe for her execution in the motion picture Thirteen. An alternate adoration for Evan is tattoos. She has a few of them, including a couple of that she laments.
The following is a rundown of Evan’s tattoos:
1. A plot dark heart on the highest point of her exited thigh.
2. A lighting jolt inside the dark heart on the highest point of her exited thigh.
3. The letter “j” on her exited lower leg, which was for her ex Jamie Bell
4. Wood used to have a little strawberry with leaves around it fit as a fiddle of a fledgling. Anyway she got it concealed after with a dark precious stone and some squiggle plan on either side of it.
5. Evan’s most recent tattoo is on the base of her neck and it peruses “All that we see or appear is yet a fantasy inside a fantasy.
Evan has no issue discussing her tattoos and the implications behind them. Here Evan clarifies her dark heart and lighting jolt tattoo and also her strawberry tattoo she got concealed.
“That film (Across the Universe) changed my life. I got a freakin’ tattoo on my lower leg for the motion picture. It’s strawberries, where the leaves are fit as a fiddle of a blackbird and jewels for (Beatles tune) ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.’ I got to sing “Blackbird” (in the film) and my (character) name is Lucy in the film, so I got the precious stones.”
“I sort of dependably thought I would get a tattoo yet I was sitting tight for something truly extraordinary. This was a minute in my life I needed to check. I turned 18 and I was living all alone shockingly and I was in New York taping a Beatles musical. I thought it was a decent time.”
“It should be a strawberry with leaves fit as a fiddle of a fledgling, yet everyone says, ‘Is that a ferret standing out of an apple. “It’s a lightning jolt, for David Bowie, who motivated me to act and sing, and a dark heart,” she says. “That was my present (from Manson). Some individual went to the house. We both got dark hearts.
100’s of Evan Rachel Wood Tattoo Design Ideas Picture Gallery
Originally posted 2015-03-04 13:41:07.