100’s of Celtic Dragon Tattoo Design Ideas Pictures Gallery
Dragons are legendary creatures that have existed in cultures round the world for hundreds of years.
The Celts believed dragons were creatures of magic and power. Their terribly presence may have an effect on however magic flowed through the land.Celts thought dragons were apteral creatures, showing as worms or water-serpents. As dragons traveled across the land they created lines (called “ley lines” or “dragon lines”) within the earth.
The lines were conduits of energy. anyplace wherever the lines crossed was an area of multiplied power. associate degree example of this can be Stonehenge wherever several believe the sacred stone circle was engineered on an influence center created by crossing grassland (dragon) lines.
Dragons were thus revered by the Celts that they were adopted as an emblem of the facility of the chieftain. In fact, the Celtic name for chieftain is “Pendragon”.
The Celtic dragon is additionally an emblem of the military.Celtic dragon tattoos usually symbolized knowledge and power.
Celtic Dragon Mythology
Dragons seem throughout Celtic Mythology. They act as guardians of knowledge and data, possessing nice vision and therefore the power of prophecy. Dragons united the world and sky, and guarded treasures and therefore the gates to different worlds.
Celtic Dragon Symbolism in Art
Celtic design usually depicts dragons swallowing their tail, forming a unending circle harking back to the unending knot within the Celtic tree of life. even as the unending knot represents animation, thus will the Celtic dragon swallowing its tale.
Dragons in Celtic star divination
The inexperienced Dragon is that the animal sign for those born Gregorian calendar month twenty one – Feb seventeen. The Celts believed that the inexperienced Dragon breathed hearth that had the facility to purify and provides new life.
Celtic Dragon Tattoos
Celtic dragon tattoos generally depict the dragon as a legendary winged beast. However, the Celts thought dragons gave the look of worms or water serpents.
100’s of Celtic Dragon Tattoo Design Ideas Pictures Gallery
Originally posted 2014-12-05 21:24:42.